Construire Dijon Autrement

Ensemble, nous ferons avancer Dijon !

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Créée pour le changement et la solidarité 

Nos Articles

Réfléchir et débattre de la ville de demain

Versez donner

Soyez acteurs du changement


Vivons ensemble des moments inoubliables !


Rien ne se fera sans vous !

Notre projet

Ensemble innovons !

Présentation de l’association

Construire DIJON AUTREMENT est une association crée en 2018 qui a pour objectif de proposer une autre vision pour DIJON.

Nous construisons un projet réaliste avec les Dijonnais et pour les Dijonnais.

Celui-ci se veut humaniste, remettant l’habitant au centre des préoccupations de la Ville, participatif, écologique et innovant.

Construit au sein d’une Métropole apaisée et sûre qui rayonne et développe les territoires. Nous voulons être porteur du projet de la majorité de Demain, un projet sincère et sans dogmatisme. L’objectif de notre programme est de simplifier et d’embellir le quotidien des DIJONNAIS tout en portant une stratégie ambitieuse de développement.

Education for All

Education is the cornerstone of a thriving community. [Candidate Name] is committed to ensuring that every individual, regardless of background, has access to quality education. This includes advocating for increased funding, modernizing curriculum, and supporting teachers to provide the best possible learning environment for our students.

Economic Prosperity

A strong and inclusive economy is the bedrock of a vibrant community. [Candidate Name] is dedicated to promoting [**economic prosperity**] by supporting local businesses, creating job opportunities, and advocating for policies that uplift all members of our community. Together, we can build an economy that works for everyone.

Environmental Sustainability

Preserving the beauty of our [constituency/location] for future generations is a top priority. [Candidate Name] is committed to [**environmental sustainability**], advocating for responsible policies that protect our natural resources, combat climate change, and ensure a clean and healthy environment for all.

Community Engagement

Building a sense of community is vital for positive change. [Candidate Name] believes in the power of [**community engagement**] — listening to your concerns, understanding your needs, and working collaboratively to address challenges. Let’s create a community where every voice is heard.

[Candidate Name]

” Empowering the Future: [Candidate Name] for [Position]”

As a seasoned [profession/role] with a passion for [key issues], [Candidate Name] is dedicated to creating positive change. Explore their journey and commitment to [constituency/location].


[Ludovic BONNOT]
Le Responsable Projet

Fuel the Campaign!

Your generous donation supports our mission. Together, we can build a brighter future for [constituency/location].


Endorsed by leaders and organizations committed to positive change.

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